Atkinson’s Bear’s Grease


Atkinson’s was a well-known brand of Bear’s Grease, believed to help reduce hair loss. It seems that some unscrupulous manufacturers were hi-jacking the brand name and logo to promote their own inferior products, probably made of lard.



‘The Gentry resident in Stamford and its vicinity are respectfully cautioned against some very near imitations of the above article. Some of them say Atkins, instead of Atkinson, others William, &c., instead of James, and many of them are very deleterious. The genuine has a Bear printed on the top of the pot, (not a printed label,) and is enclosed in wrappers with the proprietor’s signature, and a small address label of difficult construction, pasted on the side of the pot. This article is now well-known for regenerating the hair, and is also very pleasant for dressing it, giving great strength to the curl, and making it beautifully soft and glossy. Price 2s. 6d. and 4s., – and perfumed with Otto*, 3s. and 5s.. Sold by the Importer, Jas. Atkinson, perfumer, – wholesale 44, Gerard-street, and retail, 39, New Bond-street; by appointment by Mr. Wilson, Stationer, Stamford and Mr. Parker, perfumer, Boston, and most perfumers and hair-dressers.

Also, ATKINSON’S BROWN WINDSOR SOAP, made by a new process, which frees it from all irritating qualities, and renders it peculiarly emollient in use.’

Drakard’s Stamford News, 1st February, 1828.

*Otto (or attar) was an essential oil (i.e. distilled). The perfume added to Bear’s Grease probably smelled of roses.