St. Michael’s Church Rebuilt

St. Michael's

The roof of St Michael’s Church had collapsed on 1st June, 1832, as reported in a previous post. Four years later it had been rebuilt and celebrations were due.

“Wednesday next is the day for consecrating and opening the new church of St. Michael at Stamford. It is expected to prove a highly attractive ceremony, and everything has been prepared by the Building Committee to render it impressive and gratifying. The Bishop of Lincoln will preform the consecration service in the morning, assisted by a large body of the clergy of the town and neighbourhood; and his Lordship will afterwards preach a sermon. An elegant déjeûné will then take place at Standwell’s hotel*, where tickets have been taken for a large number of ladies and gentlemen. For some time past numerous stoves have been constantly heated in the church: the members of the committee will attend at the services to conduct company to suitable seats, and the police will p[reserve order outside the church, so as to make the access easy. The consecration service is a selection of the finest passages of holy writ, and our spirited townsman, Mr. Mortlock, bookseller, has printed the whole for the convenience of those who may attend the ceremony, at a small charge. The organ of the church has been repaired and improved by the builder, from London, and the choir has been trained under the kind direction of Mr. Woolmer, so that effective musical aid will be given to the services. – On the Sunday following, the Rev. Joseph Pratt, of Paston, Prebendary of Peterboro’, will preach in the new church in the morning; and the Rev. —– Kelly, the popular lecturer of Melton Mowbray, in the evening.”

The Stamford Mercury, 14th October, 1836.

*The Stamford Hotel.