Trees and Road Safety

Road safety owes a debt to those who keep the highway clear of obstructions.  This article reports on a scheme in which two organizations were able to co-operate.

The Roads Beautifying Association, which existed for a few years either side of the Second World War, was an organization whose aims would probably strike a chord with many people today.


Evidence of the havoc caused to roadside trees by last winter’s gales is apparent to every touring motorist.

Roads throughout the country were obstructed by huge trees across the roadway, and numerous accidents occurred.  So serious was the position that the Road Patrols of the Automobile Association on many occasions remained on duty throughout the night to warn motorists of blocked roads, and to indicate clear routes.  This night road service was supplemented by information issued to members by the Twenty-four Hour Emergency Service, always maintained at A A London Headquarters.

It being obvious that such dangerous conditions may recur, the A.A. suggested to the Road Beautifying Association that a scheme of co-operation might be evolved, which would ensure roadside trees receiving the care of woodmen.

Mr. W.J.Bean, who recently completed forty years’ service on the Kew Gardens staff and is now Horticultural expert to the Road Beautifying Association, is preparing an illustrated brochure for the information of land owners, highway authorities, and motorists.  Copies will in due course be obtainable from the Automobile Association, Fanum House, New Coventry Street, W 1.

It is hoped that as a result of this co-operation between the Roads Beautifying Association and the A.A. road dangers and obstructions will be reduced.”

The Stamford and Rutland News, 24th June, 1930