Stamford’s Christmas for Paupers


Winter weather conditions must have made life harder for the paupers of Stamford town. In 1850 it almost had its own white Christmas due to a snowfall. This gave opportunity for skating on the river Welland.

Festive cheer was provided to the paupers in the Union-house when they were given the ‘opportunity of making merry on Christmas Day.’

“Among the various classes who had an opportunity of making merry on Christmas-day, were the pauper inmates of the Union-house Stamford. The Guardians entered into a subscription among themselves to provide festal fare, and each man, woman, and child in the establishment was regaled with roast-beef, plum-pudding, and ale, to the complete satisfaction of all. The number of those who participated in the feast was 201, viz. 32 able-bodied and 36 aged men, 42 able-bodied and 7 aged women, 42 boys, 41 girls, and 11 infants. The usual board-meeting of the Guardians was not held this week.”

“The heavy fall of snow which Stamford was visited on Thursday morning on the 19th inst., when the ground was covered to the depth of six inches in about three hours, was very partial, none having fallen ten miles north of the town, and very little at a distance of six miles in a southern direction. It was suceeded by a thaw and heavy rain, which caused the river Welland to overflow, and a severe frost having followed, there was plenty of skating on Saturday and Monday last.”

Stamford Mercury, 27th December 1850