Hot-air balloon flight

Hot-air balloons

Hot-air balloon flights have been popular for a couple of centuries. This balloon was constructed for the coronation of George IV in 1821 (see our earlier post). Mr. Green is now on his 93rd ascent, so, you would be in very capable hands.


Change of Day.

By permission, and under the Patronage of the Right Worshipful T. Broughton, Esq., Mayor of Boston.

Mr. C. GREEN respectfully announces to the ladies and gentlemen of BOSTON and vicinity that he purposes making his 93d ascent, from a Paddock belonging to C.K. TUNNARD, Esq., situate in Bargate, Boston, with his splendid Balloon, on WEDNESDAY next, at Three o’clock in the afternoon, instead of Thursday the 15th instant, as announced in the Boston Gazaette of Tuesday last.

The Balloon inflated with gas, together with the Car, Parachute, &c., will be exhibited on TUESDAY next, at which period, should the weather prove calm, partial ascents will be made : persons desirous of accompanying Mr. Green in those ascents, are requested to apply to Mr. BEVERLEY, bookseller, of whom tickets of admission may be had.

Admission to the exhibition on Tuesday–ladies and gentlemen 1s. each, servants and children 6d.; admission to witness the final ascent 1s. A space will be fenced off near the Balloon, the price of entrance to which will be 1s. each.’

Stamford Mercury, 2nd May, 1828.