The Human Calculator

Boy calculator

A human calculator, a savant or just good at arithmetic ? This 10-year-old from the US was undoubtedly a very bright boy indeed.

‘ANOTHER CALCULATING BOY.–A Washington paper gives an account of a boy in that city, named Edward Ord, only ten years of age, who appears to be not only a prodigy in calculation, but in ready wit. A number of gentlemen who visited him for the purpose of proving his talent, asked him, “If I give away one-third, one-fourth, and one-fifth of a bushel#, what shall I have left of two bushels ?” After a few moments’ consideration, he answered correctly, “43-60ths of a bushel.” He was then asked, “If a pair of boots costs six dollars, what will a hat cost ?” He answered readily, “Different prices ;” and immediately proposed a similar question–“If a bushel of coals costs 6 1/2 cents., what will a cord† of wood come to ?”–“I don’t know,” said the gentleman. “It will come to ashes,” said the boy–He was then asked. “If 7-10ths of a yard of kerseymere* cost two dollars 25 cents., what will a yard and a quarter cost ?” and, after a short pause, answered, with his usual precision, “Four dollars, two cents., and 12-28ths of a cent.”‘

Stamford Mercury, 21 November, 1828.

#A US measure of capacity equivalent to 35.2 litres, used for dry goods.

*A fine woollen cloth, with a twill weave.

†128 cubic feet.